Senin, 23 Maret 2020

Procedure text and eksplanation text

2. Difference between Explanation Text and Procedure Text
- Explanation Text :
 1. Text that aims to explain a matter of phenomena
 2. Has a structure: General statement, explanatory sequence and conclusion
- Procedure Text :
 1. Text that aims to explain the steps in carrying out an activity so that the activity will           succeed.
 2. Have a structure: Purpose, Material and Steps

 - Equation of the Explanation Text and Procedure Text
 1. Equally explain the process of something happening
 2. Both are nonfiction texts are no

🌼 Explanation text

- General statement
we know many women who experience menstrual pain. it is common among teenagers. But if you know that there are drinks that can overcome menstrual pain. the drink is traditional herbal medicine (turmeric acid). Bacause of the analgesic nature of turmeric it can reduce pain during menstruation.Curcumin contained in turmeric can inhibit hormones that cause pain and inflammation.

- Rows of explanations:
peel turmeric then wash clean and cut, prepare pan water, turn on the fire, put all the ingredients including turmeric, tamarind, brown sugar and salt, after boiling lift and strain, sour turmeric is ready to be served.

🌼 Prosedur text

- ingredients
1. 200 ml of water
2. 50 grams of brown sugar
3. 10 gr tamarind
4. 3 large turmeric
5. Salt to taste

-  Steps
1. The first step is to prepare ingredients such as brown sugar, turmeric, acids, and a little salt
2. peel the turmeric wash thoroughly, then cut
3. prepare the water in the pan
4. put all the ingredients in the pan
5. light the fire and wait for it to boil
6. after boiling strain drink
7. tamarind tamarind drinks are ready to be served

🌼 Ingredient photos

🌼 Step photos

Sari Muarifa
Mipa 3 '18

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